Beyond testosterone cypionate: evidence behind the use of nandrolone in male health and wellness PMC

Beyond testosterone cypionate: evidence behind the use of nandrolone in male health and wellness PMC

Thus, nandrolone may be beneficial in treating hypogonadal men concerned about alopecia in the setting of TST. Methasterone, also known as 2α,17α-dimethyl-5α-dihydrotestosterone (2α,17α-dimethyl-DHT) or as 2α,17α-dimethyl-5α-androstan-17β-ol-3-one, is a synthetic androstane steroid and a 17α-alkylated derivative of DHT. Some underground laboratories may formulate oral Masteron in pill or capsule form, but you should be aware that the injectable version is far more bioavailable, which means it will provide you with better results. Pharmaceutical companies do not make oral versions of drostanolone in either the enanthate or propionate esters. As a result, the legal status of Masteron varies depending on the country in which it is being used.

Instructions for the use of drostanolone in sport

Eight metabolites, for which structures were proposed, compounds 5A to 5H, were generated by the incubation of cryopreserved human hepatocytes with methyldrostanolone (5) as summarized in Fig. Whether the hepatocytes were collected from a single donor or a pool of five, the same metabolites were formed in slightly varying relative abundance. Metabolic studies of drostanolone have existed in the literature since the early 1970s. Templeton’s group reported that twelve metabolites were isolated and identified from rabbit urine with the main metabolite being 2α-methyl-5α-androstan-3α-ol-17-one.


Structures corresponding to hydroxylated metabolites in C-12 (minor) and C-16 were proposed for other metabolites based upon the evaluation of the mass spectra of the pertrimethylsilyl (TMS-d0 and TMS-d9) derivatives. Finally, on the basis of the GC–MS and 1H NMR data and through chemical synthesis of the 17-methylated model compounds, structures could be proposed for metabolites hydroxylated in C-2. Dromostanolone is a synthetic androgenic anabolic steroid and is approximately 5 times as potent as natural methyltestosterone. Like testosterone and other androgenic hormones, dromostanolone binds to the androgen receptor. This ultimately causes retention of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus; increases protein anabolism; and decreases amino acid catabolism.

  • Nandrolone preferentially stimulates growth of skeletal muscle and lean body mass that may provide benefit in reducing components of metabolic syndrome.
  • While some individuals may experience significant benefits from using the steroid, others may encounter side effects that outweigh the potential gains.
  • This is largely due to the steroid having low mass promotion abilities, and many tend to equate quality steroids to their mass promotion characteristics.
  • Drostanolone is chiefly metabolized in the rabbit via reduction at the C-3 position, oxidation at the C-17 position and hydroxylation at the C-15 and C-16 positions [8].

Synthetic androgens are chemically-modified forms of the primary male hormone, testosterone, with the purpose to lower the androgenic characteristics and increase the anabolic properties [2]. Despite the fact that anabolic-androgenic steroids fulfill certain functions in vertebrates and are very effective to boost sports performance, their misuse and abuse can lead to undesirable, serious negative side effects on health. Heart diseases (hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, impaired diastolic filling, polycythemia, and thrombosis) are known to be related to the long-term consumption of anabolic steroids [3]. A decrease in the high density lipoprotein (HDL), concomitant with an increase in a low density lipoprotein (LDL) and total cholesterol, are related to the consumption as well, which may increase the risk of atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries [4,5,6].

Available in two primary forms—Masteron Propionate and Masteron Enanthate—this versatile steroid can help users achieve increased strength, muscle hardness, and lean body mass while reducing body fat and water retention. Users who are already aware of what Masteron can do are ready to combine it with other powerful compounds for additional cutting and physique enhancement benefits. The use of Anavar in this cycle is a common addition with its excellent fat burning and physique sculpting ability. A dosage of 50mg to no more than 100mg weekly is more than adequate for female steroid users and doses should not exceed this level in order to minimize virilization effects. It has been well proven through the medical use of Masteron in women that doses higher than this have a very high risk of virilization side effects where the compound would then need to be halted.

Gestrinone and tibolone are also notable androgenic agents but have not been marketed in the United States. Drostanolone propionate (Drolban), nandrolone decanoate (Deca-Durabolin), and nandrolone phenylpropionate (Durabolin) were previously available but were discontinued.

Furthermore, the metabolism of nandrolone in animal models yields compounds completely unrelated to DHT (15,26). It has also been proven that the actions of 5AR on nandrolone produce a compound that has decreased affinity and activity at the androgen receptor (15). Given that nandrolone is not converted to DHT it seems logical to assume that it would have less effect on hair loss than exogenous testosterone (with its subsequent conversion to DHT).

It is best to remain in these countries to complete your cycle as smuggling it over the border may have serious legal consequences. Many users report positive results when using Masteron for performance enhancement and bodybuilding purposes. They often experience increased muscle definition, reduced body fat, and improved overall appearance. These benefits come with potential side effects, as mentioned in the previous section.

However, the use of AAS for non-medical purposes is not recommended due to the potential for serious side effects. The fingerprint plots for molecule A and molecule B in Drost 3 exhibit roughly the same overall di and de range. The A molecule is characterized by two wings (labelled as 4 and 5), which is related to C…H/H…C inter-contacts and a wide H…H spike (labelled as 3), which tends to be slightly split. By contrast, molecule B lacks these two features buts shows similar O…H/H…O and H…H spikes. H…H contacts extend toward the lowest intercontact distance di + de~2.2 Å (molecule A) and di + de~2.16 Å (molecule B). The spikes 4 and 5, which stand for C…H/H…C interactions, are present only in the A molecule of Drost 3, which have the distance di + de~2.95 Å with the C22A-H22C donor inside the surface and C20A carbon outside.

In this context, nandrolone acts as an androgen receptor agonist that is not converted endogenously to DHT (15). As such, it provides negative feedback to the HPG axis to suppresses testosterone levels, further decreasing Halotestin order online the available testosterone and DHT, compounding its negative effects on erectile function. In experimental animal models, nandrolone is synthesized endogenously through a mechanism distinct from DHT (25).